High-speed viaducts NA-BA


The Company C.M.P. International s.r.l., with its forty years
experience in this sector, stands out itself by the production of constructions with an industrial prefabrication system in a high quality level metallic carpentry 

Goods produced and services delivered
  • Civil Buildings 
  • Industrial Buildings 
  • Sport structures 
  • Pipe Rack
  • Steel conveyors
  • Aircraft Hangar
  • Bridges for roads and railways 
  • Supports for power lines, substations and power plants
  • Supports and brackets for railway lines
  • Supplies of electrowelded composite beams
  • Radio and telecommunication masts
  • Soundproof panels
  • Carpenterie bullonate
  • Welded steelwork
  • Steel, aluminium, pmma, glass, wood and concrete noise barriers

Our products’ design is based on more than ten-years
experience specialists working side by side with
young technicians that exploit modern technologies. 



Certificate ISO

ISO 14000 stands for a series of technical standards relating to environmental management within organisations.
These include ISO 14001 certification, which was first published in 1996 and has now become the international reference standard for designing and implementing an Environmental Management System..

Certificate ISO 45001:2018

ISO 45001 – ‘Management systems for occupational health and safety – Requirements and guidance for use’ – specifies requirements for the design and implementation of an occupational health and safety (OSH) management system to enable organisations to provide safe and healthy workplaces, preventing work-related injuries and illnesses, and proactively improving their OSH performance

Certificate SA 8000

The SA 8000 international standard is a management model that aims to value and protect all personnel within the sphere of control and influence of organisations that adopt it.

Certificate ISO 39001

UNI EN ISO 39001 is the international standard for road safety management, including all aspects of risk management and legislative compliance.

Certificate ISO 37001

ISO 37001 ‘Management systems for the prevention of corruption’ is the first international standard for management systems created, based on international best practices, with the aim of reducing the risks and costs associated with possible corruption.

Certificate SOA LaSoatech

The SOA certificate is the compulsory certification for participation in tenders for the execution of public works contracts, i.e. a necessary and sufficient document to prove, during the tender process, the company’s capacity to execute, directly or under subcontract, public works

Certificate ISO 3834-2:2021

The certification covers the ‘Quality Requirements for Fusion Welding of Metallic Materials’ and applies to welding operations both in the workshop and on site. There are three levels of certification: elementary (part 4 of the standard), normal (part 3 of the standard), extended (part 2 of the standard).

Certificate ISO 9001:2015

ISO 9001 is the international standard for Quality Management Systems (QMS), published by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO). The standard was last updated in 2015 and is called ISO 9001:2015

Certificate 1090

Certificate of Conformity of Factory Production Control

Certificate UNI/PDR 125:2022

ISO UNI/PdR 125. Measures to ensure gender equality in the following working context:
Design, construction and installation of metal structural works through the phases of Cutting, welding and assembly.